Monday, September 17, 2007

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Anyone else got an ISA with Northern Rock? Anyone else worried?

So, on the one hand, if I panic like a frightened goose* and take my money out then I lose its tax-free status. And Gorden Brown gets enough of it already, so I'd rather not take this option. Also, this would then mean that I was contributing to the likelihood of the bank going bust, rather than supporting a generally fairly ethical and friendly business who have done exactly what I asked them to do for the last few years now.

On the other, if I panic like a rabbit caught in the headlights on the oncoming 4x4, and do nothing, then I risk losing the lot (minus whatever the government hand back from their contingency fund), and feeling a complete chump, as I could have done something, but didn't.

Loyalty is a fine thing, but when is enough enough? Hmmm...

UPDATE - The government have announced that, should Northern Rock fail, then they will underwrite 100% of all deposits, rather than the previous system whereby the first £2,000 would be underwritten in full, but only 90% of the next £33,000, and nothing thereafter.
*Do geese panic? I don't know. I'm trying for something known to panic by flapping a lot. Any ideas?

The Sun Has Got His Hat On, Hip-Hip-Hip-Hooray...

Well, not here, he hasn't. But he had in Menorca. Which is where we've been over the last week (well, from 31st August to 7th September).

What can I say? It was gorgeous. Beautiful. Wonderful. Sunny. Warm. Laid back. Full of good cheese and cheap wine. What more could you want?

We stayed in Es Castell, which is a former British colonial town, built a couple of hundred years ago when Menorca was an important Mediterranean base. You could really see how the Mediterranean influences married with Georgian architecture. It had fantastic views across the harbour to Mahon (Maò in Menorquin), which is a fantastic place to explore - winding streets, good shopping and lots and lots of cafés, all with wonderful views across the bay.

I can't recommend it too highly.

Ferry leaving Maò

View from living room window

View from Maò towards Es Castell

Typical Menorquin boats - Calas Fons

Calas Corp